

The Yorkshire Dales was the stage for leg 8 of the 15x15x15 challenge. The sun was shining, in fact, it was blistering and was apparently the hottest day of the year so far. Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. Day 7. Day 8. Day 9. Day 10. Day 12. Day13. Day15. The Dales as they are referred to locally has always proven a popular location for fell and long distance endurance running and a well established activity around here. It may seem that walking

The Yorkshire Dales was the stage for leg 8 of the 15x15x15 challenge. The sun was shining, in fact, it was blistering and was apparently the hottest day of the year so far.

jordan wylie | montane

Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. Day 7. Day 8. Day 9. Day 10. Day 12. Day13. Day15.

The Dales as they are referred to locally has always proven a popular location for fell and long distance endurance running and a well established activity around here. It may seem that walking up a hill is hard enough work without trying to do it as fast as possible, but there is a tremendous exhilaration to be gained from travelling fast and light on these fells. The only real equipment requirement is a decent pair of running shoes, oh and plenty of water too! jordan wylie | montane I was feeling a bit under the weather on this leg and with the sun beating down hard on my head, about 10 miles in , I started to feel a bit light headed and nauseous so took a break for 45 minutes. I started again and within a mile or so I could feel some respiratory issues in my chest, I had been coughing quite heavily for the last 24 hours but I convinced myself I just needed to “man up” and power through. jordan wylie | montane I got through today’s run but a few hours after the event, I started deteriorating quick quickly so decided to go to see a local doctor, after explaining my challenge and symptoms to the doctor he made the decision to call an ambulance which I wasn’t too happy about but I guess it’s best to be safe than sorry as they say and off I went with the paramedics for some scans, x-rays and blood tests. jordan wylie | montane As expected, I was suffering from severe dehydration but also a chest infection too. So, although it wasnt the end of my challenge and I’m still very much committed to the 26.2 miles a day for another week, I was certainly not going to be breaking any world records. Antibiotics were prescribed and I have reviewed my route and nutrition plan and made some adjustments and I’m sure a good night sleep this evening will go down a treat...

Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. Day 7. Day 8. Day 9. Day 10. Day 12. Day13. Day15.