
The Lakeland 50 & 100 playlist

The Legendary Lakeland 50 & 100 returns this month and this year we’re building the hype early with the launch of a new Spotify playlist. 

Everyone’s favourite ultra in the Lake District returns on 28-30 July. With 2 incredible challenges to take on, thousands of racers will push their limits, tackling the national parks iconic peaks and famously undulating terrain. 

The Lakeland 50 & 100 is always highly anticipated in our event calendar! For those unfamiliar, take a look at our dedicated story behind to find out more. As usual, we’ll be on hand to help at our dedicated Kentmere checkpoint, and for the returning race legends - you’ll be pleased to hear our much-loved smoothies will be making a welcome return too. 

Of course, one of the best things about the Lakeland race is the amazing community behind this unique long-distance and long-standing trail race. Who better then to ask for music recommendations to fuel our official Lakeland playlist?

Alongside Lakeland classics and #TeamMontane’s favourite tracks, this year's playlist has also been influenced by the race’s Western theme. Time then to grab your headphones and get ready to hit the trail with a big grin on your face. Yee-haw!

More music inspiration this way…

Follow us on Spotify to find more playlists inspired by the incredible races we’re proud to work with. Can’t wait for the Lakeland 50 & 100? Head to our official event HUB to find out more.